Pastor’s February Book Selection

Defiant Grace by Dane Ortlund

In this short work by Dane Ortlund the reader is given a fresh view of God’s grace as presented in the four gospels. Traditionally the four Gospels are said to focus on Jesus as King in Matthew, Jesus as Servant in Mark, Jesus as Savior for all peoples in Luke, and Jesus as God in John. While each of these is true and helpful, Ortlund’s Defiant Grace takes the reader on a new journey, where Matthew uncovers the paradox of disobedient obedience, Mark looks at the king treated as a criminal, Luke investigates outsiders becoming insiders, and John sees the Creator becoming a creature. Each small chapter will challenge the reader to meditate on and appreciate the mission of Jesus as seen from four unique Gospel perspectives. For those who wish to enjoy a drink from the fountain of grace, come and read Defiant Grace.

Pastor’s January Book Selection

Cheer Up! The Life and Ministry of Jack Miller by Michael Graham

Michael Graham has written an enjoyable biography of a man whose ministry in Reformed circles in the latter half of the 20th Century was both controversial and powerfully used of God. Saved out of atheism, Jack Miller became a pastor, seminary professor, and missionary. His grasp of, and ability to communicate the gospel was influential in the lives of many future church leaders. Nevertheless, this work is not simply a series of glory stories about the man, but offers an honest widow into his faults and struggles, as well as his successes. In doing so, the author presents us, not with a picture of an individual that we should emulate, but of insight into the faithfulness of the God he served. This, in my opinion, is the best aspect of the book as it gives the reader a glimpse into the joy of the gospel that motivated this remarkable man to often say, “Cheer up! You are far worse than you think! Cheer up! God’s grace is greater than you’ve ever dared hope!”

Pastor’s December Book Selection

The American Puritans by Dustin W. Benge & Nate Pickowicz

Here is an interesting and captivating work about 9 historical characters whose lives have left a powerful mark on the American Christian landscape. The authors not only offer a biographical history of their subjects, but do so in such a manner that demonstrates the power of the gospel in their lives and circumstances. The reader will be encouraged by the commitment to Christ of these early puritans who faithfully followed their Lord through the trials and tribulations faced in the wilderness of a new land. Seeking to establish a pure church, they not only laid the foundation for generations of Christians to come, but greatly influenced a society that would become a new nation.

It is hard to select which was my favorite biography of the 9 mentioned. Nevertheless, the life story of Anne Bradstreet probably left the greatest impression on me. Through her poetry, she described the faithfulness of God, her love for her husband, her closeness to her parents, and the awe-inspiring beauty of nature. However, it was her courage and resilience in times of heartbreaking and overwhelming difficulties that gave the greatest testimony of the God she loved so deeply. I highly recommend this encouraging work.​